The anniversary 

And my earliest impression was that they are a little different couple. I am talking of my parents. Both busy in their worlds, papa into mainstream politics and social work and Ma into her job and kids, they were poles apart. Ma strict with her daughters and papa always the spoiler. Never saw them go for holidays or short trips much. On any particular issue, they always had ( and still have), strongly different opinions. As a teenager, I was really confused as to how they had had a “love marriage”. Twenty years down the line, now I understand that every thread that made up their fabric of marriage was made only of love. But of different colours. Colour of care, support, indulgence, bearing, understanding and faith. Together they had made up the garment of marriage with these threads. The garment that is not very fancy but strong and durable. Everlasting. Today is their 37 th marriage anniversary. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, they could not celebrate it together. She is here at Mumbai and papa is at Silchar. And I see her moist eyes and hear his moist voice over telephone and feel satisfied that love is not totally lost in this world. Love u both , Ma & Papa. Stay healthy and keep loving each other. Silently and secretly. Be there for each other. Fight over petty issues. Admire your kind of love story.❤️️❤️️

The Beauty of Teens

Remembering my teenage. Wonderful thoughts..

The Human Rights Warrior

Photo credit to my son Sevrin Photo taken by (and used with permission from) my son Sevrin at his high school sailing team practice.

As I write this, there are seven teens asleep in my basement.  My son and his friends came back from their high school dance in high spirits last night. Laughing and joking loudly, they boisterously descended on my kitchen, devouring everything within reach (even some chips that I thought I had hidden pretty well).  These guys were the human equivalent of an invading colony of army ants, foraging insatiably through my refrigerator.

Now these boy-men are dead to the world, asleep in a puppy pile on my basement floor.  And I have to be honest – I am loving every single thing about these teens.   In fifteen plus years of parenthood, I have grown accustomed to – perhaps, in some ways, inured to – the many and diverse aspects of wonder in…

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The present day

I am 33. Married into a joint family and mother to a 4 yr old doll, the apple of my eyes. Mine was a love marriage. I had some extra ordinary dreams which ended no where. This blog is about me and my ordinary journey which began with many hopes but never really saw the day light. 

  • Today is international women’s day. Unlike other days, I dared to dream of a small ice cream date.. ( yes I love ice creams and am unapologetic about those extra calories) with my hubby. After  busy breakfast hours in the kitchen, I got a bit cosy to him to reveal my evening plan. He brushed me aside. I shed a few tears in the bathroom, as I usually do. These days we never really dine together. He starts early for office, has his breakfast in the car, I pack his lunch, he has it in office. He dines early … I wait for everyone to come home… I serve him though.. and he gives me a mixed bag of feed back. Earlier,  Sundays gave us much needed couple time. We used to have our lunch together. These days… His appetite has improved, I feel. I feed my stomach all alone, all by myself. Today , I lunched alone, he watched cricket match after that and I was busy putting my child to sleep. Now it is late evening and I have decided to take my daughter to the ice cream parlour, and celebrate the day together. By the way, he is out for some work!!! Happy women’s day to us. 
  • Keep your eyes on this blog more pages from my life. Lucky are those who have inspiring stories to share. But though, few would be excited to read about a ordinary home maker’s life, I have decided to tell the story of my life to the world before my breaths die out. 
  • See you soon..